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Aqua Royal Water Purifier 

Complete Water Purifier Range

RO Water Purifier

Vegetable & Fruit Purifier

Air Purifiers for Car

                              Complete Range of Residential Air Purifiers, Commercial Air Purifiers & Water Purifiers. We Serve Whole Delhi & Gurgaon. We have two Branches One in Dwarka, New Delhi & second in Gurgaon, Haryana.

Commercial & Residential Water Purifiers 

 Water purifies our body & helps our body to flush out toxins but what happens if we keep on drinking Toxic & Polluted Water

Water purification is a process which is being used by Humans since humans started living in a civilised manner & the only difference between the purification process between now & then is only that water purification of water in todays time is more complicated due to presence of different kind of pollutants found in water.  

Rivers were always our source of drinking water but industrialisation has affected the purity & ecosystem of rivers resulting in polluted drinking water. Water  treatment plants do there job but to an extent as water has to travel miles to reach our taps after it gets treated & this is the reason why we need an effective Water Purifier.

Every area is served with a different quality of water & here comes the job of the Consultant which could suggest you the right kind of Water Purifier you need

Vegepure (Vegetable & Non-Veg Purifier)

   Food is as vital as Water.  It gives us energy to carry out all our daily routine work & enjoy life but isn't it sad that it also contains Toxins which could develop dreaded disease like cancer. 

Non Veg
Dairy Products

All contains one or another form of Chemicals & Toxins.  Pesticides, Polluted water, Artificial Fertilizers all are contributing to make our food more & more toxic.  Due to presence of toxins & chemicals, food is more working like a slow poison rather than helping us to live a healthy life.  These chemicals are more dangerous for pregnant women & new born babies.  Studies have shown that these pollutants could result in birth defects in a child.

It is always better to take care of the situation before it's too late.
Air Purifiers for Cars

Cars had always remain a status symbol but the air inside could work like the mediator for many germs, bacteria & virus.   

You have send your driver to bring your child from school & the driver is suffering from some kind of infection, like, cold.  Guess what could happen, there are 90% of chances that your child would get infected.  Besides infection your car always runs in between the pollution & AC's are not built to neutralise the pollution, virus & bacteria.  

The air inside the car keeps on circulating & the circulation of bacteria & virus also increases according to the time you have spent in the car.  This circulation of unhealthy air is a cause of concern & which is to be taken care of.  

Solution would be, neutralise the bacteria & virus & your car would be safe for travel. 

Residential Air Purifiers

   Women & new born spend maximum of time indoors & studies have shown that 50% of the allergies is caused or aggravated due to poor indoor air quality. 

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term referring to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.

IAQ can be affected by microbials contaminants (mold, bacteria), gases (including carbon monoxide, radon, volatile organic, compounds), particulates, or any mass or energy stressor that can induce adverse health conditions. Indoor air is becoming an increasingly more concerning health hazard than outdoor air. Using ventilation to dilute contaminants, filtration, and source control are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality in most buildings.

Ventilation again helps to an extent, so, it's necessary to neutralise the pollutants instead of allowing more pollutants to come inside. 

Commercial Air Purifiers


We usually think of air pollution as being outdoors, but the air in your house or office could also be polluted. Sources of indoor pollution include

  • Biological contaminants like mold and pollen
  • Tobacco smoke
  • House hold products and pesticides
  • Gases such as radon and carbon monoxide
  • Materials used in the building such as asbestos, formaldehyde and lead

Sick building syndrome occurs when several people are affected, but no specific source of the illness is found. Indoor air quality problems usually only cause discomfort, and most people feel better as soon as they eliminate the source of the pollution. However, some pollutants can cause diseases that show up much later, such as respiratory diseases or cancer. Making sure that your building is well-ventilated and eliminating pollutants can improve the quality of your indoor air.


221, Vardhman Sunder Plaza, Plot No. 12, Sector - 12 Market, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075
Ph. : 65463719. Mobile : 9910600833, 9313463719, 9810600833
Website :
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Our Product Range
  • Residential Air Purifiers
  • Commercial Air Purifiers
  • Water Purifiers -Resi.
  • Water Purifiers -Comm.
  • Food Purifier
  • Air Purifier for Cars

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